End Times Lectures - Update When? 3 Tuesday night sessions on 14th, 21st September & 5th October @ 7.30pm in Inverurie Gospel Hall. (NOTE: The session that was schedules for 28th has been put back a week). What? An opportunity to expand our understanding and appreciation of the Word of God...
The Greatest Pandemic We have all been affected to varying degrees as a result of measures taken by Government to deliver us from the serious consequences of catching COVID 19. The route out of the partial restrictions is still uncertain and is unsettling to say the least. The Bible...
After a long break Soup and Sweet will recommence on Friday 17th September at 12 noon. If you are over 60 then please join us in the hall for some food and fellowship and a short message. Soup and sweet will run on the 3rd Friday of each month...
Following a further lowering of restrictions we are now meeting in the hall for all services and most times are now back to normal. With the exception of the Breaking of Bread service all services will continue to be available online via Zoom using the normal details. Face coverings still...
Sing-a-long with the virtual choir How Deep the Father's Love For Us As the deer pants for the Water The Old Rugged Cross I Settled it All Just a Closer Walk WIth Thee Oh Lord My God Is He Worthy/What a Friend The Lord's My Shepherd Carols O Come let...