All welcome - please let us know if you are coming.
Join us on Friday 30th September as we ‘Rise Up’ together in praise to our great God. The service will start at 7.30pm but come along for 7pm for food.
These last few days have focused on the life, death, and burial of our wonderful Queen Elizabeth II and of course our new king Charles the Third. The Queen was a woman of sterling qualities; kindness, integrity, wisdom, humour and so one can go on without fear of contradiction. Above...
Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Saturday 4th June 10am - 12pm Fantastic Kids Jubilee Event with crafts, games, story, quiz (for kids aged from 5 - 12) Sunday 5th June 11.30am - All age service and prize-giving followed by BBQ All welcome. Please join us in celebrating this fantastic event.