Amazing Grace

Meeting Update

Following a further lowering of restrictions we are now meeting in the hall for all services and most times are now back to normal. With the exception of the Breaking of Bread service all services will continue to be available online via Zoom using the normal details. Face coverings still...

Thought for the Month – May 2021

Abide with Me About the year 1847 the hymn "Abide with me" was composed by Henry Lyte and has been sung times without number. A line from the seond verse says "change and decay in all around I see". If that was true then, it is certainly true today amidst...

Thought for Easter

EASTER – WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? Most people believe that there is another dimension, a spiritual world and that death is not the end of a person. People instinctively know that there is something beyond the material things that we can see and touch. Well, Easter time proves that...


Easter Service 2021

Join us on Zoom for our Easter Service on Sunday 4th April @10.30am. Meeting ID: 567 717 7937 Password: easter (all lower case)  


Thought for the Month – March 2021

I think for many the experience of this current lockdown has been more difficult than that of the previous one. Perhaps there are many reasons for this, ranging from people being wearied of their freedoms being restricted and not being able to see loved ones, to having real health issues...


Thought for the Month – February 2021

THE GREATEST NEWS It is really good news in these dark and difficult times - a vaccine has been found that is very effective against the Covid virus. It is an amazing achievement that in such a short time a vaccine has been researched, developed, manufactured, distributed around the country...

Covid Lockdown

Unfortunately due to the new lockdown restrictions all meetings will currently be on Zoom only. Sunday 10.30am - Family Service 6.00pm - Ministry Thursday 7.30pm - Prayer and bible study For Zoom details please contact

Thursday 31st

Thursday 31st December will be an online Prayer meeting only @7.30pm. Please contact for Zoom details.

It’s Christmas

  Now on Monday 21st December 2020 @ 19.00 (GMT)   Please join us as we celebrate Christmas with carol singing and a short message from the Bible   Click here to join the event.  


Current Services Family Service Join us on Zoom on Sunday at 10.30am - 11.30am. For login details please email   Breaking of Bread & Bible Teaching Join us on Zoom on Sunday at 6.00pm - 7.00pm Limited seats available in the hall. To reserve a seat or for login...

Easter 2020

  Celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Join us online in a virtual zoom meting at 11am on 12th April 2020. For further details please contact  

Virtual Prayer Meeting

Since the Prayer and Bible study meeting has been cancelled we are going to run an online Prayer meeting. Nick has very kindly typed out instructions for loading the software that you would need either for a PC or Mac or I-pad or phone. The software is called Zoom and...


After the recent Government announcements the oversight has decided to suspend all services from Tuesday 17th March on. It is with heavy hearts that we do this, but we have to be responsible especially in relation to our members wellbeing. This event has taken the country by surprise and there...

Matthew 25:24-30

The Parable of the Talents This sermon was preached at the IGH Family Service, Sunday 3 November 2013 Matthew Chapters 24 and 25 make up one body of teaching called the 'Olivet discourse' because of the location of the teaching by the Lord Jesus: on the mount of Olives. The...